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Image by Markus Spiske



Disclosure pursuant to European Regulation 2016/679 GDPR

1. Purpose of the information

In line with the Mission and Values of the Organization and in line with the Oltre il Confine's policy on the protection of personal data, Oltre il Confine adopts the following principles in its activities, to which strategies and objectives will refer.

The Board of the Organization, through the Executive Director, is responsible for the respect and implementation of these commitments by ensuring and periodically verifying that the Policy is documented, made operational, kept active, periodically reviewed, distributed to all personnel and made available to the public.


2. Commitments of the Organization

  • Commitment to protect the personal data of each individual (Protection)

  • Commitment to request consent for the provision and processing of personal data (Informed consent)

  • Guaranteeing everyone's privacy (Confidentiality)

  • Respect for the identity, personality, and dignity of every human being (Individuality and Dignity)

  • Respect for constitutionally guaranteed fundamental freedoms (Protection)

These principles are translated, in accordance with current legislation, as follows:

  1. Personal data are collected and processed only for predetermined, explicit and legitimate purposes, even if this is required by law, regulation or EU legislation (purpose of collection)

  2. The use of personal data is always reduced to the minimum necessary to achieve the stated purposes (Necessity, Non-surplus, and Essentiality).

  3. Personal data are collected and processed only if functional to the achievement of the stated purposes (Relevance)

  4. Personal data are processed with methods and instruments proportional to the purposes to be achieved (Proportionality)

  5. The personal data collected and processed are always punctually updated in order to guarantee their correctness and reliability (Accuracy, Completeness, and Updating).

  6. The personal data collected are always stored for the period of time-limited to the achievement of the stated purposes (Storage)

  7. Personal data are always collected and processed after the adoption of appropriate security measures (Security)

  8. Personal data may not be processed for purposes other than those declared during collection or in violation of the rules on the protection of personal data (Prohibition of unlawful processing).


Oltre il Confine pursues the continuous improvement of the protection of personal data through:

  • Adoption of an adequate integrated document system (procedures, operating instructions, standard document models)

  • Identification of employees and third parties with appropriate requirements to ensure the proper functioning of the privacy management system. In this regard, all employees, service providers, and collaborators of Oltre il Confine are responsible for compliance with the Regulations and must sign the relevant documents or contracts relating to the processing of personal data.

  • Definition of an organizational model suitable for monitoring the processing of personal data inherent to each process

  • Adoption of appropriate security measures to prevent and minimize the risks inherent in the processing of personal data

  • Adoption of best available and economically viable techniques to limit damage in the event of accidents or adverse events with regard to the processing of personal data

  • Adoption of appropriate criteria and methods for restoring data in case of accidental damage and loss


Oltre il Confine promotes the involvement of future stakeholders and interested actors on the protection of personal data with actions aimed at:

  • Raise awareness of employees, suppliers, collaborators, supporters, donors, and citizens on the objectives and commitments undertaken in the field of personal data protection

  • Motivate, involve and train employees and collaborators to achieve the objectives set and develop, at every level, a sense of responsibility towards the protection of personal data and information security

  • Promote dialogue and discussion with all stakeholders and interested actors, taking into account their requests, on the processing of personal data


4. Purpose of the treatment

All data collection and subsequent processing activities are aimed at pursuing the institutional purposes of Beyond the Boundary and, in particular, for:

1. Adhesion to sponsorship projects, testamentary bequests or other projects planned over time by our Organization:

  •  the matching with the supported project;

  •  the sending of information on its development, updated photographs, correspondence, thanks for gifts, various notifications;

  • processing payments;

  • information on trips to countries of interest.

2. Regular and one-off donations, made in various ways (credit card, bank domiciliation or other);

3. The sending of information material on Oltre il Confine in the world and on issues related to the cause of the Organization;

4. The sending of the receipt for the tax deduction of donations made;

5. The personalized information service on our projects and activities reserved for supporters, collaborators and all those who have shared the mission of Oltre il Confine (for example magazine and newsletter).


6. All processing carried out by the Organization will be carried out with both paper and electronic or telematic tools, logically related to the purposes for which the data was collected and in compliance with current safety regulations.

Oltre il Confine, therefore, will not use the data provided for purposes other than those related to the service to which the user has adhered.

For purposes related to the provision of the service, the data may be made available to third parties, who will act as autonomous data controllers, and who provide services instrumental to meet the user's request (for example, credit institutions or credit card issuers to manage payments for donations, printers, and forwarders for mailing) or to whom the communication of data is necessary to comply with the law.

They will not be communicated for other purposes nor, even less, disseminated.

The transfer of personal data to third countries will also take place only with the user's consent and in compliance with the activities related to remote support activities, in order to create a match between donor and supported project, to provide services instrumental to allow the implementation of support projects.


4.1 Conservation

With reference to Chapter 5(e) of the Rules (Data Retention), your data will be kept for as long as necessary to maintain remote support, to manage any liberal donations and to carry out information activities on the work of Oltre il Confine in the world, to promote our activities to raise awareness of the cause of children or market research.

This is without prejudice to the right not to receive specific communications, such as newsletters, information magazines, promotional communications and the like, without compromising the current performance of distance support or donations.


4.2 Data Processor

The personal data will be made available to persons expressly authorized by Oltre il Confine Onlus, and as such designated "Data Processors", who carry out processing activities that are indispensable for the pursuit of the above-mentioned purposes. Generally speaking, these are the persons and/or organizations in charge of providing specific services, including the management of the Child Development Centres, the administration and management of information services, relations with actual and potential donors, the organizers of information campaigns in support of our initiatives in favor of children.

Relations with third parties, including Oltre il Confine, must provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational

measures so that the treatment meets the requirements of the Regulation and guarantees the protection of the rights of the data subject.


4.3 Data Controller

Oltre il Confine Onlus, with registered office in Bruino (TO), Via Monte Bianco 32 - Italy, is the "Data Controller" pursuant to Art. 28 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 and European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), as it decides how and for what reasons, communicated in the specific information notice, to collect and use the personal data provided by the user, as well as with what tools to process them and what security procedures to activate to ensure their integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

The Data Controller implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with the Regulations.


5. Rights of the interested party

The rights provided for by the above mentioned DL and Regulations are guaranteed, and in particular by the following articles of the aforementioned Regulations:

  • Art. 15 (Right of access to the interested party)

  • Article 16 (Right of rectification)

  • Art. 17 (Right to cancellation)

  • Article 18 (Right of restriction of processing)

  • Article 21 (Right of opposition)

  • Art. 77 (Right of complaint)


which makes it possible to cancel, modify or integrate data already spontaneously provided, as well as to request their blocking, transformation into anonymous form or oppose their processing if carried out in violation of the law or if you do not wish to receive information material from the Organization.

Thanks to the exercise of these rights you will be able to control the use of your data even after they have been provided.

You can exercise the above rights at any time by writing to our Data Protection Manager (DPO) at (alternatively, at Oltre il Confine Onlus, Via Monte Bianco 32, 10090 Bruino TO):

f) confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you exist and the communication in intelligible form of such data and their source, as well as the logic and purposes on which the processing is based if it is carried out by electronic means;

g) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully;

h) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;

i) oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data concerning you;

j) oppose the processing of personal data for the purpose of sending information material or fundraising;

k) submit a complaint to a supervisory authority if it is considered that the processing violates the above regulation.


6. Credit cards and other financial information

For all donations made Oltre il Confine guarantees maximum confidentiality and security. The financial information of the credit card or bank account (card number, expiration date, cardholder details, IBAN, etc.) can only be known by Oltre il Confine and the Collection Institution.

The storage of the relevant information will be limited to the period necessary to ensure the verification of the correct transaction and, in any case, in facilities (physical and computerized) with limited access.

The transmission of payment and donation information online is carried out using the highest security standards.

Please note, on the other hand, that Oltre il Confine is not responsible for unauthorized or fraudulent use of your credit card by third parties.



7. Use of cookies

A cookie is a simple text file on which text data is entered. When you visit a site, this file is downloaded to your computer (or notebook, tablet, smartphone, etc.) via your web browser. Once this file is downloaded to your device, the cookie will allow the website to "recognize" you as a user.

Cookies may be used to collect user information. This information is not, therefore, provided spontaneously and directly, but leaving a computer trail. The data collected through cookies will be used for technical needs, in order to ensure easier, immediate and quicker access to the site and its services and easier navigation for the individual user.

Profiling cookies may also be used, subject to the user's consent, to create user profiles based on the sections of the site or the actions carried out by the user on this site or by surfing the web.

To learn more about our cookies policy and third party cookie policies, please read the extended policy on the use of cookies.




8. Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Oltre il Confine site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified Users, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow the identification of the users themselves.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) Addresses of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error or similar) and other parameters relating to the operating system and computer environment of the user.

These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing.

The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

Privacy Policy

Oltre il Confine Onlus places great importance on the protection of privacy and people's rights. Not only the children we help but also our supporters and donors.

For this reason, we are committed to respecting rules of conduct that guarantee a safe, controlled and confidential management of your personal data, in line with the new European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR - EU Regulation 2016/679).


Please read the rules we follow when collecting and processing personal data of our supporters and children supported.

In order to protect your privacy, we grant you all rights under the EU Regulation regarding access, verification, limitation, and deletion of data provided by you.

We process the following personal data, either independently or with the assistance of EU and non-EU suppliers when sending children's updates, news about our activities, research and surveys: first and last name, supporter code, e-mail address, home and/or office address (optional), telephone or mobile phone number.

If you do not wish to receive news, updates, newsletters or surveys, you may withdraw your consent by writing to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at (alternatively, at Oltre il Confine Onlus, Via Monte Bianco 32, 10090 Bruino TO).


Please note: the revocation and the consequent changes are valid for the future and will be effective at the latest 48 hours after sending it. This difference in time is due to technical elaborations useful to manage your request.

Sponsorship information

By signing the sponsorship request form you authorize us to process your personal data, the provision of which is an essential condition for the execution of the request.

Oltre il Confine Onlus guarantees absolute compliance with the law on the right to privacy (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions; EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).


Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the data provided will be used exclusively for the execution of the request, to provide information and documentation related to remote support, to monitor the quality of service provided by us and to report solidarity initiatives of Oltre il Confine Onlus.

The processing is carried out through operations provided for by the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) with the help of IT tools and is carried out by the staff of Oltre il Confine Onlus in charge of processing.


The acquisition of data that has been or may be requested from you is essential to activate and manage a sponsorship relationship and for all future operations of your interest. If you object to providing your personal data we will be unable to execute your request for activation of remote support.

Relationships with third parties, including countries where the children supported life, will provide adequate guarantees to implement technical and organizational measures to meet the requirements of the Regulation and ensure the protection of your rights.

Your data will be kept in our organization for the period necessary for the management of your sponsorship, to keep you informed about activities in favor of children and for awareness-raising activities.


You have the right to exercise the rights provided for in the aforementioned Regulations:

  • Art. 15 (Right of access to the interested party)

  • Article 16 (Right of rectification)

  • Art. 17 (Right to cancellation)

  • Article 18 (Right of restriction of processing)

  • Article 21 (Right of opposition)

  • Art. 77 (Right of complaint)

You may exercise the above rights at any time by writing to our Data Protection Manager (DPO) at (alternatively, at Oltre il Confine Onlus, Via Monte Bianco 32, 10090 Bruino TO).

In particular, you may request:

  • confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you and the communication in intelligible form of the same data and their origin, as well as the purposes on which the processing is based if carried out by electronic means;

  • cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in case of violation of the law;

  • updating or, if necessary, integration of data;

  • the opposition, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you;

  • opposition to the processing of personal data for the purposes of sending information material or fundraising;

  • complaint to a supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of your data is in breach of the above regulation.


Data Controller - Oltre il Confine Onlus, Via Monte Bianco 32, 10090 Bruino TO.

For a complete description of the commitments of Oltre il Confine Onlus to protect your data, we invite you to consult our published Personal Data Protection Policy.

©2020 by oltreilconfine.

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